Saturday, May 30, 2015

May 2015 Updates :)

Good evening my wonderful blog readers!  I have so many projects that are all coming to life before my eyes.  Working on a new and finally finishing a college degree are also time consuming with my blogging moments.  My son has been amazing in life before my eyes with Tae Kwon Do, and we do have DIY projects that just need to get posted.  They are coming I promise!  You may be wondering why you haven't seen many recipes lately, this is largely in part due to my selection process for the cookbook and wanting to figure ot a few exclusives that can only be found in the cookbook itself and not just taken from my blog.  

Now on to this evening business:  I had to write a short story for a class and I felt such connection and inspiration to it and all of the possibilities of crazy twists and turns that it could take that I am in a serious mode of working to turn it into a full-length novel.  This would be my first and I am humbly asking for advice.

If anyone is interested in knowing more to give me any suggestions, advice, opinions, etc.  Please let me know.  Thank you very much for your time and just comment here or message me on any socal networking medium to connect further on this. 

My facebook blog page is a great way to get a message to me, if you don't know of any other:

I am now also a BeachBody Coach (because you know I had all of this free time to use, so if anyone is interested in knowing more you can comment here or send me a message at:, you can also go to the main site on Beach Body (You know those crazy coaches that give you workouts like P90X, Insanity, PiYo, Hip Hop Abs, Brazilian Butt Lift, etc.)

I provide basic coaching 100% free of charge, and am here to help you.  I am a sucky salesman and just joined for the discount, I don't expect to get rich off of coaching, but I do believe in the workouts and am a new user of Shakeology, so I will be showcasing progress blogs in the near future.  Keep your eyes peeled.

A preview of a delicious cheesecake recipe coming your way

Preview of some delicious ribs

I am loving the new PIYO!

Shakeology rocks

You may have missed my kick ass 31st birthday last month

My dork cat says hi

Can't leave out my KiriBear, and namesake for many of my internet dealings

DIY projects coming soon

My little martial artist is getting awarded a green belt on Monday night! 

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