Monday, June 9, 2014

Reluctant Intern

I was given a copy of this book by the author Bill Yancey in exchange for an honest review.

I was definitely interested in this book from the description.  The book is based around the experiences of the main character, Addison Wolfe, or Addy...  sometimes even Wolfie.  A former military man who was rejected by NASA and is now a medical intern at a hospital in Florida in the 1970s. 

The book was very insightful into the life of a medical intern at that time and it was great to read the little hidden jokes about new technology that is used in the medical field today.  I must feign ignorance on the majority of medical terminology but Bill was good about his descriptions into what he was talking about. 

It was very interesting to read about the medical internship especially at this time in history.  I took this to be a historical fiction book, likely based upon some of the author's own experiences based off of his history. 

It took a little bit of getting used to all of the medical setting in the beginning, but the book had great flow and it was easy to get into.  I was able to enjoy it while I read it, and the characters were relate-able to real people. Bill wrote characters that you rooted for and characters that you disliked.  There were some pretty crazy patient stories and although I knew that basically medical interns didn't sleep much, it was a real eye opener to all of the different departments that they can make their rounds in.  It was great to see Addy grow as a character as his knowledge of the medical world, the world and himself grew along with the story.  He also through in some crazy events that I don't want to spoil for you. 

I can't say that it was something that I normally read, but it was definitely a great enjoyable read and I am glad that I took the time to go through it.  I am also glad that Bill Yancey shared his story with me.  I would definitely read another one of his books as he is definitely writing from an intelligent stand point.  I give this book 4/5 stars and definitely recommend it to anyone, especially if you are interested in the medical world.

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