Saturday, October 12, 2013

Side Effects Movie Review

As an avid Jude Law lover I was definitely interested in a movie with him and Catherine Zeta Jones, not to mention Rooney Mara & Channing Tatum.  So needless to say I was really looking forward to this movie.  I can admit that I didn't really know what it was going to be about, but I can't think of a single Jude Law movie that I hate, so I wasn't really worried. 

I try to do my reviews with as little spoilers as possible, so I will try to keep with that in this review as this isn't as old as most of the movies I review and so the likelihood that someone reading it hasn't yet watched the film is much higher.  So here goes.

Side Effects definitely falls into the thriller/suspense genre.  It is a very intriguing movie which opens
with some blood which could be a possible murder or struggle scene and no body or anything else to let you know what happened and then jumps back to 3 months earlier in the life of the movie.  It is directed by Steven Soderbergh and I must say that he did quite an amazing job.  I also feel like it was cast very well.

Jude Law is actually looking a little bit older in this movie.  I think this is the first movie I have seen with him where you really didn't feel that he had a connection with any woman in the film, although after having seen the whole thing, that may have been an intentional feeling to go across..

 The main theme of the movie is that the main character Emily (played by Rooney Mara) has serious depression issues and goes through a series of drugs to try to find some sort of semblance of a normal life without thinking of suicide.  She ends up with one that seems to have horrendous side effects for her.  Jude Law plays her therapist.  Throughout the movie it definitely has you thinking about all of the crazy side effects of drugs and how they have to happen to at least some people and how awful it would be if you were one of those people.

I have to say that it had some very excellent twists and turns within the story.  Initially I was thinking it was going to be a movie that was along the lines of Limitless with Bradley Cooper, but it was something entirely different.  Very great and I highly recommend it.  I don't want to give any of it away, but let's just say that there is no way you can guess all of what will happen!  I loved it!    Check it out and let me know what you thought as well!

Here is the official movie website Side Effects May Vary

Here is the excellent trailer for the movie :)

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