Halloween 2013 can officially be classified as a success! Liam was able to put his Buzz Lightyear costume to use not 1, not 2 but 3 times! First we went to a Trunk or Treat, and then a party at his school, and finally actually Halloween this evening where we went around to a couple of the fire stations and also trick or treated around the neighborhood. Halloween was SO much fun this year because Liam clearly knew what was going on this time and he was genuinely excited and into it. We ended our night by handing out some of the candy we had bought to other kids around the neigh hood. Liam was scared by two things this evening: A gorilla costume with creeping moving gums sitting in a chair at our next door neighbor's house and a parent that came to our down with a creepy clown mask. He had a hard time going to sleep thanks to those two things. I am just hoping that he won't be having any nightmares thanks to them. All in all the Halloween experience as a mother is much more than it ever was going on my own. I am so happy to be able to experience this holiday and share it with Liam. It is so much fun to be able to dress up together! I am such a proud Momma Jessie of my little Buzz.
The Trunk or Treat Photos:
Halloween Carnival at Liam's School Pictures:
Halloween 2013 Pictures